Tuesday 28 June 2011

ok so the update all my fans have been waiting for in anticipation! photos will follow soon but i only have 10 mins now but i promise i'll get on it. ok so lets start with the most important stuff...my tan. you'll all be extremely surprised to hear that the tan has yet to develop...I blame monsoon season and the almost permanent cloud i'm living in at the moment. i thought the rain was bad in Ireland but it's nothing compared to here, it's hot but there isn't a lot of sun and the days there is sun i keep forgetting that i am pale and need suncream and suffer the consequences!fear not once i get off this mountain i am sure my golden tan will develop.
This morning I'm off to a village to see some patients with this missionary, this will be the 3rd time I've gone with him and it's fun, altho the trek across the mountain to get to some of the villages is quite a hike, and though i would like to blame it on altitude and not my extreme lack of fitness it is a real struggle at times.
This weekend past I wet to Rishikesh, home of yoga and the beatles enlightment...it was fun went rafting in the Ganges and had a little swim...i feel a lot more spiritual now.
Last week i went to an Indian wedding (couple unknown), it was an absolute thrive, got my photo taken with the couple and everything!
I love the hospital and everyone is very friendly and there are always other students about, aside for some near misses with a few monkeys where I thought i was going to be attacked and the never ending supply of dhal that they serve us in the hospital mess I am loving every minute and can't believe I only have just over a week left!
I'll try and get those pics up tomorro...i want you all to see this little baby that is orphaned that we've been looking after in the hospital since she was born

1 comment:

  1. You make me laugh out loud Maevey, sounds brilliant! Love!xx
